Prayer Requests – Unity’s approach to prayer is affirmative, based on positive prayers and
affirmations that have universal appeal. An affirmation is a simple statement of spiritual truth that calls forth a conscious recognition of our oneness with God.
Here at Unity on Greenville, we are always available for prayer support from our Prayer
Chaplains or other members of our congregation. A Prayer Chaplain is available at every
service for one-on-one private prayer after the service. We also have prayer request cards in
the pews in the sanctuary if you would like to fill one out and leave it in the bowl at the back of the room.
Silent Unity – Silent Unity is a free, confidential prayer service offered by Unity Worldwide.
For more than 120 years, Silent Unity has been a window into the hearts of people around the
globe seeking prayer support. Millions of people have contacted Silent Unity for affirmative
prayer. Currently, Silent Unity receives more than 3,700 calls a day. A staff of dedicated and
well-trained prayer associates answer calls with a greeting familiar through the decades:
“Silent Unity. How may we pray with you?”
Silent Unity Phone Number: 1-800-669-7729 (1-800-NOW-PRAY)
Silent Unity Website: https://www.unity.org/request-prayer